Putting your data in the cloud is not enough to keep it safe.

The internet is filled with backdoors, information traps, and hackers looking for their next target.

Although steps have been taken to improve web security, cloud security risks are still worth paying attention to.

Here are some of the easiest ways you can stay on top of your security.

1. Know the People in Your Network

Identifying who has access to your network matters equally for a small firm and a big company. The cloud is where all your big ideas and your private information are, not to mention your clients’.

As such, it’s important to create digital barriers between someone who is an entry-level employee versus a manager.

Don’t worry, it’s not bad for culture — but it is vital to fighting cloud security risks.

Single Sign-On

Some employers make the mistake of pushing various log-ins and passwords through one system. This causes one employee to keep up with more than they need to, and it creates more risk for an online door to be left open.

Single sign-on gets rid of this issue by allowing users access with just one login and one password.

If every employee only has one set of login information, they’re more likely to protect it well.

Plus, if you have a high turnover of team members coming and going, it’s much easier for you to delete old logins.

Limited Access

Giving one person a single set of access information doesn’t mean they can see everything.

Stagger your cloud system to show employees what they need to know.

This way, they can still operate efficiently while upholding your company protection. They get their job done, you keep everything in safe hands, and everyone wins.

Sharing Systems

The only exception to the benefits of limited access is when you rely on collaboration.

Think of marketing teams, financial analysts, and even salespeople. Everyone needs information from another department at some point.

Instead of opening up your cloud, establish a secure sharing system.

There is plenty of protected software out there, you just have to find what works best for your funnel.

Be sure to educate your team every step of the way. Stress the importance of protecting against cloud security risks with each new tool you implement.

2. Update, Update, Update

Once you’ve got a system in place, you can’t just leave it there.

Update your software every chance you get.

Not every provider or network will notify you when there’s an update available, so try to keep a timeline in place. Run a system audit every quarter, and see which security gaps you can focus on moving forward.

You might have to pay for some upgrades, but the investment is well-worth taking care of all your data.

3. Get Protection

Another way to make sure your data is in good hands is to put it in the hands of professionals.

You can only track so many online risks while trying to run a business.

Hiring a cloud security team is your internet insurance claim. They are the ones who know the ins and outs of risks and protection.

Plus, they can educate you on changes in the industry and the latest software.

This is more than a smart business move, it’s an important relationship to build.

Identify Your Cloud Security Risks

Ready to lock in your information?

We have all the cloud protection needs you’re looking for, but the first step is identifying where your security gaps are!

Contact us today to discover the best cloud options for your business.